Pregnancy Resources – Lactation Consultant

Shine Lactation and Postpartum Support

Lactation Consultant in Moundridge, KS

Why I recommend Stephanie

Incredible Support for Moms

Nursing, pumping, weaning, sleep support – the postpartum season, can be THE most difficult time for moms. Having a pro in your corner who specializes in all these things is HUGE.

Lactation Specialist

Stephanie offers prenatal lactation education, in-home lactation support for birth up to 6 weeks, proper latch and paint management techniques, weight checks and more!

Pumping/Supply Management

She loves to educate her clients on pumping strategies, proper flange size, oversupply or increasing low supply, and how to transition back to work.

Sleep Specialist

Newborn sleep support can go hand in hand with lactation, and having access to a pro while navigating both during baby’s first weeks is invaluable!

An amazing teammate for any first time OR seasoned mother!

Stephanie Kaufman has been a Labor and Deliver Nurse in Hutchinson for about 28 years and started focusing on lactation and was hired as Lactation Coordinator at Hutch in 2015. She became an IBCLC International Certified Lactation Consultant in 2016. She serves new moms at Hutchinson Regional Medical Center where she still works part-time, and she opened her own private practice, Shine Lactation, in February of 2023!

What to expect

For moms that really want to get a jump on nursing education, Stephanie offers prenatal consultations, one on one or sometimes lactation classes. When baby is here, she loves to visit clients during their first week at home, and she comes to you! She can do weight checks before and after a feeding to see how much baby is eating (a HUGE piece of mind for many moms who worry if baby is getting enough). She has tons of tricks for over or undersupplying mamas to get your supply leveled out, as well as latching help to minimize pain. She can educate you on introducing solids and what weening will look like down the road, as well as navigating pumping and going back to work if you plan to. Bonus! She is a newborn sleep specialist too, and she can help you work through those first weeks of crazy feeding and sleeping patterns.

If any new moms are nervous about learning to nurse their new baby, or if any seasoned mom’s end up with a challenging baby for their 3rd or 4th, I’d recommend Stephanie all day! She is as sweet as can be, and she would be a wonderful asset for anyone with a new baby.

Sara Nuzum is a Newton, KS maternity, newborn and family photographer that loves to help mamas connect with local wonderful resources that could benefit their families. Find more posts like this one here.

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