Wichita Newborn Photographer

And just like that, your life is changed forever

I was once told, “Motherhood is the best thing you’ll ever do.” And it proves true every single day. As a mother and a Wichita newborn photographer, I see this played out in my family as well as countless others that I get to work with all the time.

These first photos of your precious little one will become some of your most cherished possessions.

wichita newborn photographer newborn photography baby boy wrapped in blue
wichita newborn photographer photos baby girl sleeping

Top Reasons to do newborn photos

This stage is SO short

They are only this little for what feels like five minutes, don’t let it slip away! Newborn photos help us hold on to the tininess forever.

First family photo

Your family changed overnight; the first photos of your newly expanded family are indescribably special.

Pass them down

When baby grows up, it is just wonderful to be able to pass down prints of them as newborn, and even share with grandchildren one day.

Newton KS Newborn Photography Session Tips

How to help set us up for success with your baby’s newborn photo session.

What Moms say about working with Sara

Frequently Asked Questions

As soon as possible! The farther ahead we can plan, the better. I “schedule” you according to your due date, securing you a spot by leaving room around that time. We will hope to shoot newborn photos within the first to weeks of life. Then once baby arrives you will just contact me to select our shoot date!

If you have scheduled with me then we make photos happen whenever they need to! If we have to wait for a sweet premie to come home, we might try to shoot around when their due date originally was. Often times we base our shoot date around their weight gain, hoping to get them around 6 lbs. I intentionally don’t overbook myself to allow flexibility for this very reason. We do whatever we need to get our session scheduled!

I have started a Client Closet with dresses for mamas! Most of them flowy and flattering for new moms. You are welcome to try some on during our consultation, but if I don’t have the perfect dress for your session, we can discuss what you can look for. Usually flowy and lots of fabric is best, and then I strategically frame my shots to be as flattering as possible, often involving mom holding baby and me shooting a bit from above. We will plan out the family’s outfits during our consultation as well. One less thing to plan after baby is here.

I have all the patience in the world for the littles I shoot with, and that includes toddlers! There are several options for getting a sibling photo with the new baby, and range from more to less hands on for the older sibling. If they are able to support baby by holding them while sitting we can do that; if they can’t we can have them lay next to each other, or even take separate shots with baby in a bucket and sibling sitting next to the bucket, then photoshop together if the cooperation isn’t there that day. Rest assured, we will get our sibling shots!

I have more answers! Send me a message and we’ll chat.

Get In Touch

If you’re looking for a photographer and you connect with my work, I would love to hear from you!